Best Nursing Simulation Software for 2024

The healthcare industry continually seeks innovative ways to train and prepare its workforce. One of the most significant advancements in nursing education is developing and using nursing simulation software. These technologies, which simulate real-world clinical settings, allow students to practice and perfect their abilities in a secure setting. As technology evolves, the capabilities of these software programs expand, making them indispensable in nursing education.

Top Features to Look for in Nursing Simulation Software

When selecting the best nursing simulation software, it’s crucial to consider the features that will maximize the learning experience and ensure comprehensive training. Here are the top features to look for:

Realistic Scenarios

High-quality nursing simulation software should offer realistic scenarios that closely mimic real-life clinical situations. These scenarios should cover various medical conditions and procedures, allowing students to practice and develop their skills in various contexts. Realistic simulations help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing students for real-world challenges.

User-Friendly Interfaces

A user-friendly interface is essential for both students and instructors. Software should be simple to use and intuitive to reduce learning curves and free users to concentrate on the instructional material rather than tinkering with the technology. Clear instructions, straightforward controls, and accessible features provide a more efficient and effective learning experience.

Integration Capabilities

The ability to integrate with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) is a crucial feature of nursing simulation software. This integration allows for seamless incorporation of simulation activities into the broader educational curriculum, facilitating easier tracking of student progress and performance. It also enables instructors to manage and organize simulation exercises alongside other coursework.

Customizable Modules

Customizable modules allow instructors to tailor the software to meet specific educational needs. Instructors can modify scenarios to reflect particular learning objectives, adjust difficulty levels, and create unique training exercises. This adaptability ensures the software remains relevant and useful across different courses and student skill levels.

Comprehensive Feedback and Analytics

Effective nursing simulation software should offer detailed feedback and analytics to help students and instructors track progress and identify areas for improvement. Comprehensive feedback includes real-time performance assessments, error identification, and suggestions for corrective actions. Educators can enhance their methods of instruction and learning objectives by employing analytics technologies to find patterns in student performance.

Key Takeaway:

Selecting nursing simulation software with realistic scenarios, user-friendly interfaces, integration capabilities, customizable modules, and comprehensive feedback and analytics ensures a robust and effective learning experience. These features collectively enhance the educational process, better-preparing nursing students for the complexities of real-world clinical practice.

Review of the Leading Nursing Simulation Software in 2024

The nursing simulation software landscape continues to evolve, with several leading platforms standing out due to their innovative features and comprehensive educational tools. Here, we review the top nursing simulation software for 2024, highlighting their strengths and unique offerings.


Overview: SimChart, developed by Elsevier, is a widely used electronic health record (EHR) simulation software that provides nursing students realistic patient care scenarios and documentation practice.

Key Features:

  • Interactive EHR System: SimChart offers an interactive platform where students can practice real-world documentation, enhancing their ability to handle electronic patient records efficiently.
  • Comprehensive Scenarios: The software includes a variety of patient scenarios across different specialties, allowing students to experience diverse clinical situations.
  • Integration with LMS: SimChart’s seamless integration with Learning Management Systems allows educators to easily add simulations to their curricula.
  • Detailed Analytics: Instructors can track student progress through detailed analytics and performance metrics, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.


  • Realistic and interactive EHR simulation.
  • Wide range of clinical scenarios.
  • Seamless LMS integration.
  • Detailed performance tracking.


  • Initial training may be required to navigate the platform effectively.

User Feedback: Educators and students appreciate SimChart’s realistic EHR practice and the depth of its scenarios, which help prepare students for real-world clinical documentation.


Overview: vSim for Nursing, developed in collaboration between Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer, provides virtual simulation experiences emphasizing patient-centered care and clinical decision-making.

Key Features:

  • Realistic Virtual Scenarios: vSim offers immersive scenarios replicating real-life clinical environments, helping students develop critical thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Integrated Curriculum: The software includes pre- and post-simulation activities, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Scenarios focus on holistic care, teaching students to consider the patient’s needs and preferences.
  • Performance Metrics: vSim provides immediate feedback and performance metrics, allowing students to learn from their experiences and improve.


  • Immersive and realistic scenarios.
  • Emphasis on patient-centered care.
  • Integrated pre- and post-simulation activities.
  • Immediate feedback and performance tracking.


  • Requires a stable internet connection for optimal performance.

User Feedback: Users praise vSim for its realistic scenarios and focus on developing clinical judgment, essential for patient-centered care.

CAE Healthcare

Overview: CAE Healthcare is renowned for its high-fidelity simulation solutions that offer comprehensive training experiences across various healthcare disciplines.

Key Features:

  • High-Fidelity Simulations: From fundamental nursing abilities to sophisticated critical care, CAE Healthcare offers incredibly realistic simulations covering a broad spectrum of clinical scenarios.
  • Immersive Environments: The software creates immersive learning environments that mimic real-life settings, enhancing the realism of the training experience.
  • Advanced Analytics: Detailed analytics and debriefing tools help instructors evaluate student performance and provide constructive feedback.
  • Wide Range of Scenarios: The platform includes scenarios for different specialties, ensuring comprehensive training for students.


  • Highly realistic and immersive simulations.
  • A comprehensive range of clinical scenarios.
  • Advanced analytics and debriefing tools.
  • Suitable for both basic and advanced training.


  • High-fidelity simulations may require more resources and setup.

User Feedback: CAE Healthcare’s realistic simulations and thorough analytics are well-known for offering insightful data on learning objectives and student performance.

Shadow Health

Overview: Shadow Health provides digital clinical experiences through its Digital Clinical Experience™ (DCE), offering interactive patient care scenarios that enhance clinical skills.

Key Features:

  • Digital Clinical Experiences: Shadow Health’s DCE offers interactive patient interviews and assessments, allowing students to practice communication and diagnostic skills.
  • Holistic Care Focus: The software emphasizes holistic patient care, encouraging students to consider the physical, emotional, and social aspects of patient health.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Students receive real-time feedback on their performance, helping them identify areas for improvement.
  • Extensive Case Library: The platform includes many patient cases covering various conditions and specialties.


  • Interactive and engaging patient care scenarios.
  • Emphasis on holistic care.
  • Real-time feedback and performance insights.
  • Extensive library of patient cases.


  • There can be a learning curve for inexperienced users.

User Feedback: Users appreciate Shadow Health’s engaging and interactive scenarios that improve communication and diagnostic skills.

i-Human Patients

Overview: i-Human Patients offers an interactive platform for developing clinical reasoning and decision-making skills through virtual patient encounters.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Patient Encounters: The software provides virtual patient encounters where students can practice history taking, physical exams, and diagnostic reasoning.
  • Comprehensive Feedback: Detailed feedback and scoring help students understand their clinical reasoning and decision-making processes.
  • Variety of Cases: i-Human Patients include many cases, from common conditions to rare and complex scenarios.
  • Integration with Curriculum: The platform integrates with educational curricula, enhancing the learning experience.


  • Interactive and engaging patient encounters.
  • Detailed feedback on clinical reasoning.
  • Wide range of patient cases.
  • Curriculum integration.


  • Guidance may be required to maximize the benefits of the software.

User Feedback: Users find i-Human Patients valuable for developing clinical reasoning skills and appreciate the comprehensive feedback provided.

Key Takeaway:

The leading nursing simulation software for 2024, including SimChart, vSim, CAE Healthcare, Shadow Health, and i-Human Patients, offers diverse and comprehensive tools that enhance nursing education. By providing realistic scenarios, user-friendly interfaces, detailed feedback, and integration capabilities, these platforms ensure that nursing students are well-prepared for real-world clinical practice. Selecting the right software depends on the specific needs and goals of the educational program, but each of these top contenders offers valuable resources for nursing education.

Case Studies: Success Stories from Nursing Schools Using Simulation Software

Real-world success stories from nursing schools illustrate the tangible benefits of integrating simulation software into nursing education. Here, we explore case studies from three prestigious institutions that have effectively utilized simulation software to enhance their programs and student outcomes.

University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing

Overview: The University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing is known for its innovative approach to nursing education. The institution has incorporated vSim for Nursing into its curriculum to provide students with realistic, hands-on learning experiences.

Implementation and Outcomes:

  • Integration into Curriculum: vSim was integrated into undergraduate and graduate nursing programs, supplementing traditional classroom instruction and clinical practice.
  • Enhanced Student Engagement: Students reported increased engagement and confidence in their clinical skills after using vSim. The realistic scenarios allowed them to apply theoretical knowledge in a safe, simulated environment.
  • Improved Clinical Competence: Faculty observed significant improvements in students’ clinical decision-making and critical thinking skills. The software’s immediate feedback and performance metrics helped students identify and address their weaknesses.
  • Faculty Training: Comprehensive training sessions for faculty ensured effective implementation and utilization of the software, enhancing the overall educational experience.

Key Takeaway:

The University of Pittsburgh’s integration of vSim for Nursing has improved student engagement, clinical competence, and preparedness for real-world nursing challenges.

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Overview: Johns Hopkins School of Nursing has adopted SimChart by Elsevier to provide students with practical EHR documentation experience. This project closes the gap between clinical practice and academic learning.

Implementation and Outcomes:

  • EHR Simulation Integration: SimChart was incorporated into various courses, allowing students to practice documentation and patient care management in a virtual setting.
  • Enhanced Documentation Skills: Students gained proficiency in EHR documentation, a critical skill in modern healthcare. The software’s realistic interface helped them become familiar with electronic health records, improving their efficiency and accuracy.
  • Feedback and Assessment: SimChart’s detailed analytics enabled instructors to assess students’ documentation skills continuously. This data-driven approach allowed for personalized feedback and targeted improvements.
  • Real-World Preparedness: Graduates reported feeling more prepared for clinical placements and employment, having already developed essential documentation skills through simulated practice.

Key Takeaway:

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s use of SimChart has significantly enhanced students’ EHR documentation skills, preparing them for the demands of modern healthcare environments.

University of Miami School of Nursing

Overview: The University of Miami School of Nursing has implemented CAE Healthcare’s high-fidelity simulation software to train students in critical care and other advanced nursing practices.

Implementation and Outcomes:

  • High-Fidelity Simulation Integration: The software was used in undergraduate and graduate programs, focusing on critical care scenarios requiring advanced clinical skills.
  • Realistic Clinical Scenarios: Students engaged in immersive simulations that closely mimicked real-life clinical settings. These scenarios included complex patient cases, such as trauma and intensive care situations.
  • Improved Critical Thinking: The realistic simulations helped students develop critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills. Faculty noted a marked improvement in students’ ability to handle high-pressure situations and make informed decisions.
  • Collaborative Learning: The software facilitated collaborative learning experiences, where students worked in simulated clinical teams. This approach promoted teamwork and communication, essential skills in healthcare settings.

Key Takeaway:

The University of Miami’s use of CAE Healthcare’s high-fidelity simulation software has significantly enhanced students’ critical thinking and clinical decision-making abilities, better preparing them for advanced nursing roles.

University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing

Overview: The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing has adopted Shadow Health’s Digital Clinical Experience™ (DCE) to provide interactive patient care simulations focusing on communication and holistic care.

Implementation and Outcomes:

  • Interactive Patient Simulations: Shadow Health’s DCE was integrated into various nursing courses, offering interactive patient interviews and assessments.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: The software’s focus on patient communication helped students develop essential interpersonal skills. Students practiced taking patient histories, conducting physical exams, and engaging in therapeutic communication.
  • Holistic Care Emphasis: The simulations emphasized holistic patient care, encouraging students to consider the physical, emotional, and social aspects of health. This approach helped students develop a more comprehensive understanding of patient care.
  • Performance Feedback: Real-time feedback and detailed performance reports allowed students to learn from their experiences and continuously improve their skills.

Key Takeaway:

The University of Texas at Austin’s use of Shadow Health’s DCE has significantly improved students’ communication skills and ability to provide holistic patient care.

University of California, San Francisco’s nursing program

Overview: UCSF, or the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing has implemented i-Human Patients to improve students’ ability to think clinically and make decisions by using virtual patient encounters.

Implementation and Outcomes:

  • Virtual Patient Encounters: i-Human Patients was incorporated into the curriculum to provide students with interactive patient cases that simulate real-life clinical encounters.
  • Clinical Reasoning Development: The software’s focus on history taking, physical exams, and diagnostic reasoning helped students develop and refine their clinical reasoning skills.
  • Detailed Feedback: Students received detailed feedback on their clinical decisions, helping them understand their thought processes and improve their diagnostic accuracy.
  • Wide Range of Cases: The software’s diverse patient cases exposed students to various medical conditions, enhancing their ability to handle different clinical scenarios.

Key Takeaway:

UCSF’s use of i-Human Patients has effectively developed students’ clinical reasoning and decision-making skills, preparing them for the complexities of patient care.

Future Trends in Nursing Simulation Technology

As technology advances, the nursing simulation field is poised for significant growth and innovation. These emerging trends promise to enhance the educational experience for nursing students, providing them with even more realistic, immersive, and effective training tools. Here are the key future trends in nursing simulation technology:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Overview: VR and AR are transforming how nursing students interact with simulation environments, offering highly immersive and engaging learning experiences.

Virtual Reality (VR):

  • Immersive Learning Environments: VR creates fully immersive 3D environments where students can practice clinical skills and decision-making. These environments can replicate various clinical settings, from emergency rooms to home healthcare scenarios.
  • Enhanced Engagement: VR’s immersive nature makes learning more engaging and memorable, helping students retain information better.
  • Safe Practice: VR allows students to practice high-risk procedures in a safe, controlled environment without any risk to actual patients.

Augmented Reality (AR):

  • Enhanced Simulations: AR overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing simulations with interactive elements. For example, students can see virtual patients and equipment within their physical environment.
  • Real-Time Guidance: AR can provide real-time guidance and feedback during simulations, helping students correct their actions and improve their skills.
  • Collaborative Learning: AR enables collaborative simulations where multiple students interact with the same augmented scenario, promoting teamwork and communication.

Key Takeaway:

VR and AR revolutionize nursing education by providing immersive, interactive, and highly engaging learning experiences that enhance skill development and retention.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Overview: AI is increasingly integrated into nursing simulation software to provide personalized learning experiences and advanced analytics.

AI-Driven Simulations:

  • Adaptive Learning: AI can adapt simulations based on individual student performance, providing personalized scenarios that address specific learning needs and challenges.
  • Intelligent Feedback: AI-driven feedback systems can analyze student performance in real-time, offering detailed insights and recommendations for improvement.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can predict student outcomes based on their performance data, helping educators identify at-risk students and tailor interventions accordingly.

Virtual Patients:

  • Advanced Interactions: AI-powered virtual patients can exhibit realistic behaviors and responses, providing students with more lifelike interactions.
  • Complex Scenarios: AI enables the creation of complex, dynamic scenarios where virtual patients’ conditions can evolve based on student actions and decisions.

Key Takeaway:

AI enhances nursing simulations by offering personalized, adaptive learning experiences and advanced analytics that improve student outcomes and support targeted educational interventions.

Remote Simulation

Overview: Remote simulation technology allows nursing students to access high-quality simulation training from any location, increasing accessibility and flexibility in education.

Remote Learning Platforms:

  • Cloud-Based Simulations: Cloud-based platforms enable students to participate in simulations from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for distance learners and those in remote areas.
  • Collaborative Tools: Remote simulation platforms often include collaborative tools that allow students to work together in virtual environments, fostering teamwork and communication skills.
  • On-Demand Access: Students can access simulations on-demand, allowing them to practice at their own pace and convenience.

Telehealth Training:

  • Simulated Telehealth Encounters: Remote simulation can include telehealth training, where students practice conducting virtual patient visits and managing remote patient monitoring systems.
  • Preparation for Telehealth Roles: As telehealth becomes increasingly important in healthcare, remote simulation prepares students for these roles by providing realistic practice opportunities.

Key Takeaway:

Remote simulation technology increases the accessibility and flexibility of nursing education, allowing students to participate in high-quality simulations from any location and at their own pace.

Integration with Wearable Technology

Overview: Wearable technology is being integrated into nursing simulations to provide real-time physiological data and enhance the realism of training scenarios.

Wearable Devices:

  • Vital Sign Monitoring: Wearable devices can monitor and transmit real-time vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, during simulations. This data enhances the realism of scenarios and provides valuable feedback.
  • Patient Condition Simulation: Wearables can simulate changes in patient conditions, such as arrhythmias or respiratory distress, giving students practice in responding to dynamic clinical situations.
  • Enhanced Feedback: Data from wearable devices can be used to provide detailed feedback on student performance, including their ability to assess and respond to changes in patient conditions.

Key Takeaway:

Integrating wearable technology into nursing simulations enhances the realism and complexity of training scenarios, providing students with real-time physiological data and dynamic patient conditions.


Overview: Gamification involves incorporating game-like elements into educational activities to increase engagement and motivation.

Game-Based Learning:

  • Interactive Scenarios: Simulations incorporating game-like elements, such as points, levels, and rewards, make learning more engaging and enjoyable for students.
  • Motivational Incentives: Gamification can motivate students to complete tasks, achieve goals, and improve their performance by providing incentives and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Competition and Collaboration: Game-based learning can include competitive and collaborative elements, encouraging students to work together or compete in a friendly manner to achieve their goals.

Key Takeaway:

Gamification enhances nursing simulations by making learning more engaging and motivating. It encourages students to actively participate and improve their skills through interactive, game-like scenarios.

The future of nursing simulation technology is bright, with emerging trends such as VR, AR, AI, remote simulation, wearable technology, and gamification poised to transform nursing education. These advancements offer more realistic, immersive, and personalized learning experiences, preparing nursing students for the complexities of real-world clinical practice. Teachers can continue to offer cutting-edge instruction that gives aspiring nurses the abilities and self-assurance they need to succeed in the workplace by keeping up with current changes.


Nursing simulation software is critical in modern nursing education, offering students a safe and effective way to develop their skills. As technology advances, these tools will only become more sophisticated and integral to the training of future healthcare professionals. Educators can give their pupils the best learning opportunities by keeping up with the most recent advancements and trends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is nursing simulation software?

Nursing students can practice and refine their abilities in a safe environment using realistic clinical scenarios created by nursing simulation software.

Why is nursing simulation software important?

It gives students a risk-free learning environment where they can make mistakes without endangering patient safety, which improves their clinical knowledge and self-assurance.

What features should I look for in nursing simulation software?

Look for realistic scenarios, user-friendly interfaces, integration capabilities, customizable modules, and comprehensive feedback and analytics.

Can nursing simulation software be used remotely?

Yes, technological advancements have enabled students to access high-quality simulation training remotely.

What are some future trends in nursing simulation technology?

Future trends include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and remote simulation options.

Additional Resources

  1. Resource Center for Simulation Innovation, National League for Nursing (NLN)
  2. The Society for Healthcare
  3. Clinical Simulation and Learning International Nursing Association (INACSL)
  4. Healthcare Simulation Dictionary – AHRQ
  5. Simulation in Healthcare Journal

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